Monday, December 28, 2015

Is this blog dead ?

Well...  Kinda.

My last post is dated from more than 2 years. A lot had happened since it. One week later I was spending three weeks on San Bruno, CA, because I have just joined the Android team from @WalmartLabs. Three weeks in which I had to learn as much as I could because I would have to work remotely from Brazil until they figure out my visa.  The timezone difference was 6 hours and they picked me to work on the implementation of the new Pharmacy section of the Walmart app.  A very high heat project which last 6 months. In the beginning the web services were very unreliable. I could easily waste many working hours because the service would crash after the fifth request and I would have to wait until someone in San Bruno was awake to restart the machine. Summing up, I worked 24x7, including weekends to compensate the fact that I was remote.

Then on November 1st I moved to California. Mixed emotions so far : fulfilled my dream of working on Silicon Valley,  Sunny California is a nice place to live, gadgets at reasonable prices, but at the same time struggling to find a place to rent at somewhat comfortable price, buying furniture and a car, taking the Californian drive license and getting used to drive a car around,  dealing with loneliness, a huge life cost, and constant reorgs.  A  lot of stress and anxiety that prevent me from really enjoying the opportunity. With 2016 in the proximities, I hope to change that, put my face back on the bookies, developing my side projects and post more here.

Although I didn't post in this blog, I post anything that I found interesting on my Google Plus profile. So check and if you are interested on Android follow my Android Collection.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

So you think you can program?

A big mistake that I did when I began my internship a long time ago was to think that knowing a programming language, its syntax, and its standard libraries were suffice. How ingenious I was!  As soon as start talking to experienced programmers that something else was needed to grasp the "The Art of Computer Programming" (after all those years I cannot help to agree more with Donald Knuth that programming is an art).

A graduation course on Computing is focused in teaching on how to solve problems in  effectively and efficiently way.  It is going to teach you one or more programming languages in order to illustrate  the concepts and only for that reason. In my case Pascal was used to introduce Algorithms, C++ for OOP and Operating System Concepts, SQL for Databases, and Lisp and Prolog for functional and logic programming respectively.

But Programming in way that is readable to others, maintainable, efficiently and less prone to bugs is something that you learn in your  daily practice by failing  or by listening to more experienced programmers. Here is a list of books that I recommend reading. Most of them are on my pending list, but I hope to mend it soon as I finish my Masters. 

Programming Style and Attitude

Code Complete by Steve Mcconnell 

During graduation I was presented to the Software Engineering text books written by Pressman and Somerville. That make thought  that doing good software was a simple task. It was just a matter of having a good, well documented and dogmatic process and everything would be fine. This book showed me the light.  The success for a software project depend on the quality and attitude of the developer team. This books teaches about good code style and practices, truths about software development and programmer ethics.
This a mandatory reading  for sure!

Clean Code by Robert C Martin

It is on my queue. I've just read until the beginning of the 2nd chapter. But it is clearly a good book about coding style. It comes  with tons of code to be read. The author presents why it is wrong  and how would it be better rewritten. 

Object Oriented Programming

If you think OOP is just about inheritance, polymorphism and composition, you are very mistaken.  Design Patterns are clever solutions to common problems that appear during design. However, they are more than just recipes or how-to's. Learning the patterns really teaches you to efficiently use the power of OOP.

Refactoring by Martin Fowler

You create some good design. Then you code. It is wonderful. Then you see a bug, and fix it. Then you add one more feature. Then another bug fix. You code start deteriorating, "smelling"  Martin Fowler would say.  This book is about reverting the game.

Design of Algorithms

Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen et al.

This is the book about algorithms. If you had done any serious CS course you have already heard of it.

By the way,  Professor Leiserson's lectures, one of authors of the book are available on the MIT OpenCourseWare 

Effective Series

You must be able to solve a problem independently of the programming language. You must also be able to choose the language according to the problem. If you are doing kernel programming you are probably gonna use C. But you are gonna use Python or  Java for an user application.  Anyway, once you choose the language you ought to know how to use it efficiently 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Simple way to access GPIO on Raspberry PI

Got yourself a Raspberry Pi and you are using it as a cheap Linux box or Multimedia Center? Wanna play with electronics and interface your Pi with Arduino shields? So you have to learn how to control the GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) port of your Pi.

If you programming in C/C++ there is WiringPI. It is a library that provides an Arduino-like API. If you are using Python you can use Adafruit's library.

But if you do not want to install any library or if you are using another language besides C or Python? Fortunately the RPi kernel exports the GPIO pins to sysfs.

Sysfs, like the procfs, is a Linux pseudo-filesystem. It looks like regular files and directories. You can read them, write to them... But if you do a ls -l  you are going to see that they have zero size. When you read or write to a file, the calls are intercepted by the Linux Virtual File System layer which delivers the calls to the proper implementation of file system. So if the file is in a ext3 partition, the ext3 file system drive is called. In our case the calls are passed to the sysfs implementation which will configure the GPIO ports.

Before telling you how to use  the GPIO pins from sysfs, let me show you a simple schematic to test the GPIO:

The pin 24 (GPIO8) is connect to the LED. The LED is connect to an 1 kilo ohms pull down resistor that will protect our LED and Pi. The resistor is connected to pin 25 (GND). I want to control whether the LED will be lit. So I need the GPIO8 to output 1 ( or 5 volts) to lit the LED.

First we need to set GPIO8 to be a output pin. I am going to use shell script for that.

#We need to be the super user to use the gpio
sudo -i

#Set GPIO 8 to output 
echo "8" > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio8/direction

To blink the LED we just need to write ones and zeros to the GPIO8:
while :
    echo "1" >  /sys/class/gpio/gpio8/value
    sleep 1
    echo "0" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio8/value
    sleep 1

One you are done you must free the pin

echo "8" > /sys/class/gpio/unexport

Here is a video of how it works on real life:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Film Photography: Visita ao Zoo

Filme é coisa do passado, certo? Mais ou menos. Algumas pessoas ainda insistem no filme. Não é tão fácil como antigamente, mas em Piracicaba, minha cidade natal, conheço dois lugares que ainda revelam filmes coloridos. É possível comprar filmes nas lojas de fotografia, mas comprar no Ebay sai muito mais barato. Há também  a moda da Lomografia, mas não vou falar dela aqui.

Film photography  is dead, right. I would not be so sure. Some people still prefer analogic photograpy. It is not so easy to find photo shops which are still  processing film. However I know two places at Piracicaba, my hometown, that process coloured film. You  still can buy very cheap film st at Ebay.  There is a new trend called Lomography, but I am not going to discuss it here.

O Zoológica Municipal de Piracicaba fica no meu bairro. Faz mais de dez anos que eu não ia lá. Como a entrada é gratuita, resolver tirar algumas fotos lá

The Piracicaba's Zoo is located on my neighborhood. It has beem more than a decaded that I do not visit it. As the entrance is free, I decided to go there and take some shoot.


Eu usei a Canon 3000N Date que comprei no Mercado Livre por R$200.
I used Canon 3000N Date that I bought from Mercado Livre, an "Ebay" for Argentine and Brazil

O filme é um Ilford XP2, um filme britânico que, embora seja preto e branco, pode ser revelado como se fosse colorido, ou seja, ele é cromogênico. Comprei no Ebay.
The filme is the british Ilford XP2. It is a cromogenic film. The final result is black'n'white, but is processed like a color film. Bought at Ebay.

Algumas Fotos/ Some Shots




Ilha dos Macacos Pregos/Robust capuchin monkey's island





Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Learn, Develop, Package and Ship!

After more than 6 years writing code that would anyway end up  in a mobile phone, I finally wrote one that people can opt out :-)

I am in pretty busy stage of my life trying to finish my Master before the end of the year. But I found a couple of hours to learn something about AndEgine. It is a Game Engine for Android. that I learned about in the StackOverflow site. You certainly should give it a try. It makes the thing pretty easy.

So I tried to implement something simple and silly: the classical bouncing ball example. I used the Physical Extension of AndEngine to make the ball react to shaking and gravity. The physics are not perfect : how can it be if you are using 2D vectors for a 3D world? Here is the result:

And then I thought: "Why not turning this knowledge I've just acquired into a product?". So I put this lovely Live Wallpaper  in the Google Play. Click on the badge bellow to get it :

Android app on Google Play

Some stats from the first week:

  • 35 installs
  • 20 of them are active
  • Users from US, Italy, Spain, Egypt, India, Chile, Panamá, Croatia. 
  • Mostly Android 2.3
Those numbers give some insights to those wondering whether to enter or no in the mobile market.  The app is simple, I haven't done any announcement about it so far, and yet it got pretty decent download numbers. Of course, it's a free app, so people are more willing to download it.  

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Swapping two variables without using a temp variable

That is something I learned yesterday and I found it very cool. Thus it is something I must share.

I remember the swap algorithm was taught  in the very first days of college. It is very basic algorithm, but it is used in the foundations of several other algorithms. Until now,  it seemed  to me pretty obvious that its implementation would be inevitably (in C++03):

template<typename T>
void swap(T& x, T& y){
        T temp = x;
        x = y;
        y = temp;

In other words, it would always require at least 3 registers for the exchange.

If you are working in a pretty limited environment, a micro-controller for instance, you may not have 3 registers available for use. Therefore you cannot do the swap.

Well, that was I thought until yesterday. Then, I found I should review some material from my old "reduction of logical circuits" class  instead of playing Doom3 (It's kind of old game now, but it is only 10 bucks at iTunes!).

If your data is suitable for bitwise operations then you can do the follow (in C):

void swap(int* x, int* y){
    *x ^= *y;
    *y ^= *x;
    *x ^= *y;

Why does it work ?

Explanation can be found at Wikipedia, but I intend to be more didactic here. Firstly, we need to remember some properties of the exclusive-or (xor) operation:

  • P1 - Commutativity  x^y = y^x
  • P2 - Associativity      (x^y)^z = x^(y^z)
  • P3 - x^x = 0
  • P4 - x^0 = x

So let's step through the algorithm. We are going to use two registers: A which initially will hold the value for x, and B which will hold for y. Thus, we have before the call to swap:

A x

Then we execute *x ^= *y  or, to be clearer *x = *x ^ *y :

A x^y
B y

Okay, we still cannot apply any of the properties above. So let's move to the next line *y = *y ^ *x . But remember that x in the code does not refer to the value  that variable x hold before swap was called. It in fact points to our register A. So that line really means  B <-- B xor A. So the registers are now modified to :

A x^y
B y^(x^y)

Now we have something interesting. Let's apply the properties to the register B:

y^(x^y) --P1--> y^(y^x) --P2--> (y^y)^x --P3--> 0^x --P1--> x^0 --P4--> x

Wow! So at this point we have :

A x^y
B x

We are closer to our goal. Now we execute the last line  *x = *x ^ *y which in fact mean to us, using our register definitions, A <-- A xor B :

A (x^y)^x
B  x

Applying similar reasoning to register A:

(x^y)^x = (y^x)^x = y^(x^x) = y^0 = y

That means that now we have:

A y
B x

Voilá! We achieved what we wanted! Registers A and B were swapped  only  with the  help of exclusive-or operations. No extra temporary register was needed.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Using Native Code (JNI) on Android Apps

Android is written in Java and period. You must be able to do everything you need in Java.  But some applications like games using OpenGL will need some extra performance, and therefore they will go native.  As someone who had C++ as the lingua franca  at college, I took special interest on how the Java Native Interface (JNI) works on Android. Thus, I made a small Android app that requests the native layer to sum two integers. In its turn, the native layer displays the result on a TextView.

What do you need:

Preparing the field

First we create a simple activity that has a method with the native qualifier. That tells the JVM  that that method is not implemented in Java but by the native layer on C or C++. With Eclipse and ADT 20 that is pretty easy.

package com.example.testjni;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    static {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public void setTextView(String text) {
        TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById(;

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
        return true;
    public native int sum(int a, int b);

The code above creates a simple activity with a TextView. Line 11 instructs the Dalvik VM to load the shared library You will see later that this the name of the library that will be generated to hold the native implementation of the method sum(int,int).  This is done inside a static block so it is executed when the class MainActivity is loaded and therefore before any instance of it is created; so Dalvik can execute the native method when requested.

My intention is that the activity after creating the views will call the native method to calculate the sum of 3 and 5, and then set the TextView with the result.

Generating the Header file

I created a jni folder in the project's directory  to hold all the native code. Now we need to implement the native method. When the native method is called, the JVM will look for C function with a  particular signature. The easiest way to know which signature you should use for your implementation is to use the javah tool from the JDK.

#javah -classpath ./bin/classes:~/Downloads/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-16/android.jar -d ./jni com.example.testjni.MainActivity

I ran the command above in the project's folder as above. javah needs the definition of all classes in your program. Thus I set the classpath  to the folder where the class files for my project are put (bin/classes) and I also added the path to the android.jar.  In my case I am using the API level 16, so I picked the right android.jar for it.  the -d parameter tells to output the header file to folder jni.  You need to pass the full qualified name ( i.e., including package name) of the class with the native method.  That command generated the follow header:

/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
#include <jni.h>
/* Header for class com_example_testjni_MainActivity */

#ifndef _Included_com_example_testjni_MainActivity
#define _Included_com_example_testjni_MainActivity
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * Class:     com_example_testjni_MainActivity
 * Method:    sum
 * Signature: (II)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_example_testjni_MainActivity_sum
  (JNIEnv *, jobject, jint, jint);

#ifdef __cplusplus

Note that even if the code gets compile on C++, the C-linkage is forced for the function, so the JVM can find the method without had to deal with the C++ mangling . C++ supports overloading function and mangles function signatures (embeds  parameters type, class and namespace scopes in the name) in order to support it.

Implementing the native method

I will show the implementation in C and C++.  The reason behind that is  that although the two languages are very similar ( you can compile C code with a C++ compiler),  the JNI  for C++ offer some inline methods to make it more object oriented.

The C code

#include <stdio.h>
#include stdlib.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <android/log.h>
#include "com_example_testjni_MainActivity.h"

#define LOG_TAG "TesteNativeC"
#define LOGI(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__))

static char* buildString(jint a, jint b, jint sum){
    const char* fmt_string = "The sum of %d and %d is %d";
    const int buffer_size = snprintf(NULL,0,fmt_string,a,b,sum);
    LOGI("Buffer size is %d",buffer_size);
    char* buffer = (char*) malloc((buffer_size+1) * sizeof(char));
    if( buffer != NULL){
        return buffer;

JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_example_testjni_MainActivity_sum
  (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jint a, jint b){
    jint result =  a+b;
    jclass cls = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, obj);
    jmethodID mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "setTextView", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
    if(mid == 0) return 0;
    char* text = buildString(a,b,result);
    if(text != NULL){
        LOGI("At this point string is <<%s>>",text);
        jstring textToDisplay = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env,text);
        (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, obj, mid, textToDisplay); 
    return result;

Function buildString is declared static because it is not intended to be exported, used outside of the library. Its objective is to build the string "The sum of 3 and 5 is 8".  For that, we call function snprintf from the standard C library. Note that I am using snprintf , the "safe-version" of sprintf. The reason for that is to prevent buffer overrun,  a common technique used by attackers to inject malicious .  In our case we don't need to do that because input does not come from external source. However, best practices should always be enforced. snprintf is used twice: first with a NULL parameter  to calculate the size of the necessary buffer to hold the string, and a second time to build the string.

The implementation of the native method follow conventional JNI idioms and it is very similar to using reflection in Java. So I just calculated the sum, retrieved the reference to the setTextView(String) method of the activity, build the string and called the method.  And, this is very important, I  released the allocated char array. NewStringUTF does a copy of the passed char array, so you need to free the buffer to not get a memory leak.

The C++ code

#include <jni.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <android/log.h>
#include "com_example_testjni_MainActivity.h"

#define LOGI(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__))

using std::stringstream;
using std::string;

const char* LOG_TAG = "TesteNativeCpp";

static string buildString(jint a, jint b, jint sum){
    stringstream buffer;
    buffer<<"The sum of "<<a<<" and "<<b<<" is "<<sum;
    return buffer.str();

JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_example_testjni_MainActivity_sum
  (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jint a, jint b){
    jint result =  a+b;
    jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(obj);
    jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(cls, "setTextView", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
    if(mid == 0) return 0;
    string text = buildString(a,b,result);
    LOGI("At this point string is <<%s>>",text.c_str());
    jstring textToDisplay = env->NewStringUTF(text.c_str());
    env->CallVoidMethod(obj, mid,textToDisplay); 

    return result;

The C++ code is not much different. I could have used the same code  as of the C version for the function buildString, but I decided to do a code that is closer to latest C++ standards ( Not C++11 yet :-) ). Besides this uses STL containers. Using STL requires extra build config to compile. So I have the chance to show you how to setup the build for that case.

Note that for C++, env works more like an object : if in C we have (*env)->function(env,parameters), in C++ we have env->method(parameters).


Now we need a Makefile for the job. I created the file under the jni folder

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE    := teste
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := teste.cpp
LOCAL_LDLIBS    := -llog


This makefile is based on the one use for the "hello word" sample of the NDK. LOCAL_MODULE will tell to generate the shared object LOCAL_SRC_FILES lists the files to be compiled. cpp extension is required for C++ files. LOCAL_LDLIDS tells to link against the library that allows our native code to output log to logcat.
Remember I said we need extra config to use STL containers. This means to create an file besides the in the jni folder

APP_STL := stlport_static

This single line sets the  STL library to be linked static.

Now we can build . You just  need to invoke <ndk_folder>/ndk-build on you project folder. This will generate the shared library that will be packaged on you APK. After you have built the library, you just need to build your APK as you would normally do (Eclipse or ant).

And that is the final result :