My last post is dated from more than 2 years. A lot had happened since it. One week later I was spending three weeks on San Bruno, CA, because I have just joined the Android team from @WalmartLabs. Three weeks in which I had to learn as much as I could because I would have to work remotely from Brazil until they figure out my visa. The timezone difference was 6 hours and they picked me to work on the implementation of the new Pharmacy section of the Walmart app. A very high heat project which last 6 months. In the beginning the web services were very unreliable. I could easily waste many working hours because the service would crash after the fifth request and I would have to wait until someone in San Bruno was awake to restart the machine. Summing up, I worked 24x7, including weekends to compensate the fact that I was remote.
Then on November 1st I moved to California. Mixed emotions so far : fulfilled my dream of working on Silicon Valley, Sunny California is a nice place to live, gadgets at reasonable prices, but at the same time struggling to find a place to rent at somewhat comfortable price, buying furniture and a car, taking the Californian drive license and getting used to drive a car around, dealing with loneliness, a huge life cost, and constant reorgs. A lot of stress and anxiety that prevent me from really enjoying the opportunity. With 2016 in the proximities, I hope to change that, put my face back on the bookies, developing my side projects and post more here.
Although I didn't post in this blog, I post anything that I found interesting on my Google Plus profile. So check and if you are interested on Android follow my Android Collection.